Hi penguin pals,

We have an important announcement that you might have been waiting for.

Parties are coming to Waddle Penguins Island in 2024!

What? When will the first party start?

Here's the catch you have been waiting for! We will first be testing the capabilities of the content key and our own with literally chairs.

Chairs? ☠️

To start off with something simple, we'll be putting simple decorations and chairs into the game as a party. Our Closed Beta Programme members will be helping us with bugs, performance issues and more regarding the simple things. As we squash those, we will be doing and adding more.

When is the general public getting parties?

We do not want to provide deadlines, since this might quickly get very hard. However, we're hoping to throw at least a mini-party on our 3rd Anniversary.

Penguin pals, the road ahead us is long. We will be sharing sneak-peeks as we get them, however now - get an exclusive look at the first chair. This chair is currently on a test build, so no, you will not see it in your Island Central.

Chair in the Island Central

I also cannot believe I am posting an image of a chair as a sneak-peek, but there we go.

Waddle On,
– Waddle Penguins Island Team

Waddle On